Virginia Employment Law Attorneys
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Call 800-672-3103 for a Free consultation. If your rights as an employee have been violated, our employment law attorneys in Virginia can help you pursue justice. With years of experience litigating discrimination cases and knowledge of state and federal labor laws, contact our lawyers today to discuss your case.
There are many laws that are active and recognized by federal labor and employment law that protect you as an employee when out in the work field. Some of the current laws that prohibit employers from mistreating you include:
For instance, if a woman goes into a place of employment in hopes of getting hired and doesn’t receive the job opportunity due to her pregnancy, the woman could very well file a complaint against this employer for discrimination. There are certain circumstances where the labor would not permit a pregnant woman to work, however, if they are applying for a position that allows them to work but isn’t given the job based solely on the fact that they are pregnant, this could be classified as an act of discrimination.
As you can see, there are a few different laws that protect you and many others our Virginia employment law attorneys can inform you of.
But, if you feel your employer or a potential employer violated any of these laws and you wish to take legal action against them, we can help you find a nearby Virginia employment and labor law attorney. Simply give us a call and an agent of ours will direct you in the right direction to seek legal help from a reputable and reliable lawyer.
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