Maine Employment Law Attorneys
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Call 800-672-3103 for a Free consultation. If your rights as an employee have been violated, our employment law attorneys in Maine can help you pursue justice. With years of experience litigating discrimination cases and knowledge of state and federal labor laws, contact our lawyers today to discuss your case.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made it illegal for employers to discriminate against an employee for their age, gender, race, national origin or religion. The legislation also carves out legal remedies that allow victims to recover compensation if they are subjected to discrimination or harassment.
Racial discrimination is the mistreatment of an employee or coworker because of their race, and it takes many forms including:
If you experience racial discrimination, you should notify your employer and give them a chance to take appropriate action. That can include writing an employee up or terminating them. If reporting an incident doesn’t remedy the problem, then you should contact the EEOC and the Maine Human Rights Commission and file a report.
After looking at the details of your case, one of our employment law attorneys in Maine will decide if you are eligible for compensation. Call one of our team today and set up a consultation to learn the best way to resolve your complaint.
Under the Maine Human Rights Act, employers, no matter how many people they employ, are prohibited from discriminating against an employee based on their age, sex, disability, or religion or filing a workers’ compensation claim.
If one of their employees has created a hostile work environment, an employer is legally required to stop the discrimination and harassment and to punish the person or persons responsible for the harassment or discrimination.
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